Original Post
[Hunters] Tournament the 3rd

Greetings to all Clan members, Allies, Friends and invade-ers! I welcome you all to the 3rd Hunters Clan tournament!! The host will be yours truly; Gotkicks2!. In this tournament, expect blood! expect brutality! and most of all, Expect fun!! The risks will be higher than before! The tournament will be a knockout style tournament(just like the first one). And as usual 3 mods will be picked to fight in. BUT, this will be a hybrid of the first and second Hunters tournament! The rules will be explained later. The last champion of the "Hunters Tournament" series is Gotkicks2!( :o that's me! ) Now post in this thread if you want to join! and may the odds ever be in your favor. ;) Happy "Hunters Tournament"!

"The Hunt"
The style of the tournament will be a knockout style but we will mix the rules with the previous tournament which is points based. You are free to chose who you want to fight, meaning, no more fight map or fight table. Just find people and defeat them! The special twist in this tourney is that if you get beaten by three people(This is the preliminaries) You are out of the game and if you win three times you advance to the next level. at the quarter-finals(Am I using the right term?) if you lose 2 times you are out and at the semi-finals 1 lose means you're out. at the finals there will be an all out war. toss coin to who ever picks the mod.

1. Be polite
2. Don't flame
3. Don't hate
4. No rage quitting (if your really need to quit tell it to your enemy and he will approve of it here in the forums)
5. You have to pay 500tc - Clan Members 1000tc - Allies and friends 4000tc - People I don't know or like
6. Always save your replays
7. You can fight your enemy in whatever mod you decide on
8. You should challenge your enemy first before you fight officially(wait for a yes or no)
9. No douches.
10. Have fun!





W: 3
L: 1



W: 1
L: 2


W: 0
L: 1


Challenge History:
TRichard21 -> Lordtiger ~ Running.tbm(No Grabs, No Dismember, No Fracture, No Disqualification) = Accepted
2pro4you -> Lordtiger ~ Running.tbm(No Grabs, No Dismember, No Fracture, No Disqualification) = Accepted
Dzajko56 -> Gotkicks2 ~ Taekkyon.tbm = Denied
Jisse -> Dzajko56 ~ Taekkyon.tbm = Neutral
Lordtiger -> TRichard21 ~ AikidoBigDojo and Taekkyon = Accepted
Lordtiger -> 2pro4you ~ AikidoBigDojo and Taekkyon = Neutral
Lordtiger -> Thepitcher ~ AikidoBigDojo and Taekkyon = Neutral
Thepitcher -> Lynx ~ Lenshu3.tbm(No grabs) = Denied
Thepitcher -> Lynx ~ Running.tbm(No grabs) = Accepted
Thepitcher -> Lynx ~ Taekkyon.tbm = Accepted
Thepitcher -> Lynx ~ Kickbox.tbm = Accepted
Thepitcher -> 2pro4you ~ Aikidobigdojo.tbm = Neutral
Thepitcher -> 2pro4you ~ Running.tbm(no grabs) = Neutral
Thepitcher -> 2pro4you ~ Taekkyon.tbm = Neutral
Thepitcher -> Gotkicks2 ~ Running.tbm(No grabs) = Accepted
Thepitcher -> Gotkicks2 ~ AikidoBigDojo.tbm = Accepted
Thepitcher -> Gotkicks2 ~ Taekkyon.tbm = Denied
Thepitcher -> Lordtiger ~ Running.tbm(No grabs) = Neutral
Thepitcher -> Lordtiger ~ Lenshu3.tbm(With grabs) = Neutral
Thepitcher -> Lordtiger ~ Kickbox.tbm = Neutral
Thepitcher -> TRichard21 ~ Running.tbm(No grab) = Neutral
Thepitcher -> TRichard21 ~ Lenshi3.tbm(No grab) = Neutral
Thepitcher -> Butler153 ~ Running.tbm(No grab) = Neutral
Thepitcher -> Butler153 ~ Lenshu3.tbm(No grab) = Neutral

1st Prize - 25000TC
2nd Prize - 15000TC
3rd Prize - 10000TC

The tourney will start on April to let everyone sign up!
Last edited by Gotkicks2; Apr 7, 2012 at 09:10 PM.
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Oh im in on this one , so we challenge one of the members or allies and meet them in a room . Sounds easy enough .

I challenge Lordtiger

Mod - Running.tbm

Rules - No grabs , dismember , frac or dq
I challenge Lordtiger

Mod - Running.tbm

Rules - No grabs , dismember , frac or dq

Sorry TR, You just set it up so good, couldn't resist
A proud ex-leader of the mighty [Hunters]
Aw, f*ck. Being challenged in running by two of our best runners. I'm bursting with joy. Still, challenge accepted. Fighting a battle you can't win builds character and skills.

Anyway, I must retaliate.

I challenge TRichard21, 2pro4you and ThePitcher
Mod: aikidobigdojo and teakkyon - If it's possible to challenge someone in more than one mod.( This way I'll either win 3 or more games or lose 3 or more games.). If it's not allowed, just aikidobigdojo
No rules changed.

P.S: Great event, Gotkicks2
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
April 1 will be the official start of hunting down each member. For now I will list the challenges you guys got ;)

Dzajko: Sorry, but I can't risk a loss now. Challenge denied ;o

To all guys who wants to challenge me, it's either running or aikidoBD
P.S: thanks LT
Last edited by Gotkicks2; Mar 28, 2012 at 01:48 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
[Hunters] Pack Elder | Events squad leader | RSO | MMO
Got dis.

I don't plan to challenge anyone at this Point, so feel free to ask me >;)

Mod has to be Taekkyon, ErthtkV2(Erth's version of Taekkyon) or KickBox.

Not changing any rules.

EDIT: I'm sending the rest of my tc(total 1k, shut up i'm not poor :<) so the next Member that wants to join, doesn't have to pay the fee, but for an ally or random it won't cover it.
Last edited by Lynx; Mar 28, 2012 at 07:51 AM.
Entering as a clan member because i'll soon be accepted
Also.. i think you made a mistake..
in the first post it says... You pay 500TC then at the end it says,people i dont know or like pay (went blank)
did you mean to say, People I dont know or like pay 5000TC...
Is that what you meant?
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?