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Let's make Toribash known
There are only a few toribsh players left, and fewer are those who seriously play Toribash(I reffer both to the 3d game and the forum)
So, what if all of us would advertise toribash on every website or video on youtube? or simply tell our freinds about it. What do you think?
I think it's a good idea. except for the every website. most websites nowadays are made for trolls and honestly we don't need them anymore. the space under the toribash bridge is full. =]
I remember there being some wibbles thread where you had to make a sign about toribash and put it up in public, then take a photo of it and post the photo. Without breaking any laws of course. That's always fun.
What do u mean few? There is always at least 80-100 ppl online. depending of the time of the day, sometimes even more.
I agree that its not much if we compare Toribash to some other Online Multiplayer games, but Toribash is specific product. And that number is not the whole community, it's much, much bigger.

And don't compare game with the forum. Many players lower their in game activity and increased forum activity. So, it looks like we don't have big 'in-game' population, but its there.

I agree that Toribash need better promotion. But, game is, as I said, specific. Either you like it or not, and u form that opinion very quickly, which is kinda bad, since you don't have time to accustom to its 'specificness' .
With steep learning curve, aseptically-plain graphic and turn-based gameplay, Toribash, in its roots, is made for ppl with 'strange' tastes.

I told about Toribash to many ppl, but when they tried it, all I got from them is a strange look.
The ''what the fuck is wrong with you?'' look. XD
Its hard to explain.
Originally Posted by Fish View Post
I remember there being some wibbles thread where you had to make a sign about toribash and put it up in public, then take a photo of it and post the photo. Without breaking any laws of course. That's always fun.

That was operation kitfox as far as I remember.
You had to make a 'contact kitfox' inscription in public.

Also, #ontopic. I tried, zero fuck given :<
Last edited by Powas; Mar 23, 2012 at 08:19 PM.
I have tried to get other people to play it... Everyone just thinks its retarded.

/offtopic I remember that contact kitfox event, good shit.
Team America|7th Dan|
I don't know... as mentioned it's pretty much a niche market game - not everyone gets into it, and quite a few get frustrated quickly.
I don't think advertising it everywhere is a good idea either, I mean sure it'd get some people to play the game, but then we might get even more idiots than usual on the forum doing stupid things e.g. asking questions about the game in the discussion forum, or just being complete idiots posting things like "I 4M T3h Ub3r T0r1, 1 g0N B34t Y0 4ss 1n wU5hU!" or like that guy who thought he was funny by putting that stupid "respect mah authoritah" pic from South Park everywhere.

In short, sure tell your friends, see if they like it, but please don't invite more trolls to our boards


/offtopic TORI2012
I've also tried to get some of my buds play this game...
They said this game is just to difficult and boring for them.

Actually that's softly said. :s
Bad idea for obvious reasons that I shouldn't have to site them.

1 4M 7H3 U83R T0R1 4ND 1 W111 8347 Y0 455 1N WU5HU