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New Clan League :/
I see that the clan League forum has lit up with fevered discussion again. I was wondering what everyone's opinion on the matter was, I personally at the moment am over it slightly, but we were playing in the League for so long its understandable. Discuss!
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They need to make this league go a lot faster, especially if there will be as many teams competiting as I think there will be. That or make some kind of minimum existence requirement to compete. Last league was hurt a lot by half the teams dropping out or phailing halfway through. Not to post out of my board >.>; but we are the great 2nd placers
Originally Posted by MANtrain View Post
but we are the great 2nd placers


also, I think that we should get in the next one IF THE GUY WHO'S RUNNING IT ISN'T AN IDIOT.

And that the prize isn't the same as this one

edit: wow, just realized how inactive the forum really is, it's been 1 week and I didn't notice this post :<
yeah that was half the reason i posted this thread because we seem dead (although we all know how active our irc channel is). As a side note im taking a break for a while, i'll be around but not playing, im trying to rediscover the fun of toribash. :-)
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Last edited by suomynona; Jul 1, 2008 at 04:22 PM.
We should enter, it gives the clan something to do. Maybe this time if we are more organised and if the organisers are more organised then we can win.
Jarmund>{#toribash} Dr-Meanster: finish your sentences before pressing enter.
My personal opinion is that the time for this last clan league final was more favorable to the other team because it worked out to like 3:00 or 4:00AM for most of us. 3 hours earlier or later would have been a much better compromise, but they were inflexible (organizers and the other team). I agree with you though, it would be fun to play again if the organizers got their shit together and made the league a lot faster (ie at least 2 clan league matches a day and at least 2 servers: look at how many clans there are now! ) than the last one. Anyway thats my slightly biased view of the matter
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It seems unfair that lightningkid is keeping the details about the mod that will be used close to his chest, we should all be allowed to know as soon as possible, to stop the organisers team getting advantages.

Originally Posted by Lightningkid View Post

The mode is TimeFight, made by myself
The settings will be released at a later date. Keep posted for more updates.

Last edited by ronalds; Jul 6, 2008 at 05:39 PM. Reason: quote added to post
Originally Posted by ronalds View Post
It seems unfair that lightningkid is keeping the details about the mod that will be used close to his chest, we should all be allowed to know as soon as possible, to stop the organisers team getting advantages.

Trust me, a lot of people played it before. Lot's of people not from inq.. The inq server hasn't and won't be set up to the mode for a while now. I personally don't think anyone has gotten more of an advantage than anyone else. A few games 2 weeks before anyone else can play is certainly not an advantage. I'll talk to light about releasing it soon. It won't be much longer, I hope.
If we enter I may want to fight.
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