Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Suggestions for le Clan
Okay, so here are a few suggestions from me and if I miss some important things, feel free to suggest other things that you think of as important for the clan board to have.

I think you guys should make a thread for allies and members, then stickie the thread so it's on the top of the sub-forum and not the botom, also have people fill out allie applications on the same thread or on a different thread.

Another thing I suggest is making a thread for the clan bank and having people posting how much they've donated etc... This would make it easy to keep track of who donated and how much.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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Its going to be done monday when slanesh gets on hes computer :»
Originally Posted by Slanesh View Post
Well your job is the general chattering.
1543 will be the Clanny's(clan wars) and in-activitieees.(In-activity thread)
Ruben will be the Serious chattering and the Clan bank
Ico0n will be incharge of the recruitment.
I will do the memba's and the rules + the allies list.

Just give your thread some creative name etc.

Do you really think you're in control