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Future Sports Mod Pack
So, I'm working (slowly) on a future sports mod pack. I need more ideas for mods though. Post here, if I like your ideas, I will create them and include them in the pack.
<the god> the god
<@Smilies2> modding tiem

You know that anti gravity mod you had? Well maybe you could take that, make the box bigger, toris on both sides against the wall or like on a platform, put a ball in the middle, open loops on each side. Kind of like quidditch
Well What sort of sports were you looking at creating, major team leagues like basketball, football (American, Australian and Soccer) Baseball, Volleyball. Or individualist like Athletics and things like that? Because i think there are enough team sports already in the mods i think more variety in athletics like a 200m sprint that goes on a bend or shot put, javelin, Discus. Challenging for you but it would be pretty cool
I'm Naturally a Ginger and Just a heads up; you play with fire, expect to burned

My Video; By Hours

What about Ten-Pin Bowling?

then you get points for knocking each other with a bowling ball
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Open space.
You and Uke.
Distance: 1000.
Lightning-mod mixed with frisbee mod.
You get TRON. =)

But because of how fast lightning-mod is, you would have to have 1 frame per turn :3
Dose is dead.
I was going to suggest the same thing , but the whole one frame per turn may not be appealing to the players . You can always adjust the strength in the elbows and pecs so you can whip it . Extending the range of the wrists would probably work too so you can throw it from both directions .

Now If you can make it a replica in all aspects ( from the movie) im sure it will be a very popular mod.