Original Post
Buy QI by TC
So I really wanna buy Qi, but when I see market I didn't saw QI packs, what I can buy by TC. So can I buy Qi for TC? And how?
I really don't know if you can buy QI with tc, If you can't, i'd really like to see it implemented. Maybe someone with QI changing abilities could charge TC for QI with the same rate at which TC is bought with money.
I swag as a fat person's belly swaggeth as he goeth.
Fee and crux used to have a shop that did just what you are asking, but as far as I know Fee no longer has those powers, and crux is not active.
Originally Posted by DrJim View Post
Fee and crux used to have a shop that did just what you are asking, but as far as I know Fee no longer has those powers, and crux is not active.

yes, i remember that, that was closed a while ago, but, about a month ago, i saw crux ingame, so i joined him for a couple of matches of taekkyon, i dont think any admins or things like that do that anymore.