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My sound is cutting in and out
So starting today, my sound has started to cut in and out. it seems to be triggered a lot by certain jolts of different noises ( Like shooting a gun in a game for example ). IN which case, it returns back in about 5-10 seconds. I've already tried reinstalling my drivers ( realtek HD audio >_> ), with no help. This computer is only a year old so i doubt the card is failing, i just don't know what to do :/ It doesn't matter if i use headphones or not, any ideas?
Does it happen in all the games you play?

Try turning sound accelleration to minimum before you boot the game.

I would give you more specifics but im on a german pc atm...It should be under Control panel>audio devices> audio> advanced> audio accelleration then put that to 'minimum'.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Well, i'm on a laptop, I just went to my control panel and didn't see anything about audio devices :/

edit : k, just went into my realtek audio manager, still didn't see anything about acceleration ;-;
Originally Posted by Bio View Post
Well, i'm on a laptop, I just went to my control panel and didn't see anything about audio devices :/

huh, I doubt it would be any different on a laptop...

I guess my explination is wrong because I translated it. :/

The page you should be looking for looks like this on me.

I'm not sure how to explain how to find it on your laptop.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Alright, well i just replaced my cord to my headphones and the sound cut outs seem to be fixed. My sound without my headphones also seems to be resolved,thanks for trying to help :>