Original Post
Screen And Sound Freeze...
Ok so i am encountering freezes in sound and screen, the thing that is happening is that anytime in-game or out, the screen suddenly freezes and the sound kind of screeches, like nonstop shitty dubstep. Tried searching the web, but haven't found any sollutions to the problem yet.

Got one error once saying that the graphic card crashed and was restored or something...

So anyone know the sollution to this problem, other than buying a new computer or sending it in for repair?

Edit: Forgot to say, that when this happends nothing works except waiting it out (2-8 mins probably) or shutting down my computer. Already tried reformatting my computer, still encounter the problem.


Last edited by Fenris; Nov 1, 2011 at 10:23 PM.
I had the exact same problem with one of my computers. Everything would freeze and shutdown, the dubstepy sound thing, and my graphics card drivers would crash from time to time.

What fixed it for me was getting a new power supply.
I'm going to guess that you probably haven't upgraded your PSU since you bought the computer. They almost always come with really cheap 150 or 200watt power supplies, and if you upgraded anything or added anything to your computer these will be way too short on power.

I could be wrong though, but since I had this same problem there's a good chance the same solution will do the the trick for you too ;)
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.
Ya, most likely it would be pretty hard and fairly costly.
You should probably wait and see what other, more knowledgeable folks around here have to say first. There's probably more than one possible cause to your problem...
You could also see what the guys at your local computer repair place have to say. If they're anything like the ones around here they'll have a look at it for free and let you know about how much it would cost to fix it.
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.