Original Post
Evil Tournament?
clearly, our clan is quite inactive, and we don't have many occasions where we're able to just jump on tb and chill.. as a clan. well, we're gonna change that. if you're still alive, fill this shit out and we'll see if we can make something happen.

day(s)/time(s) you're available to participate:
time zone:
mods you'd like to see in the tournament:

i got some tb to spare if you guys wanna do prizes or something.. we'll see how it goes.

post suggestions below

it seems like aikido and wushu are the favorites so we'll definitely be doing those. waiting to see if a few more people are available to attend, if not, i'll set up a time and hopefully get this thing goin..

mods: wushu, aikido, (jousting?), (kickbox?)
Last edited by BigNarb; Nov 9, 2011 at 01:35 AM.
sweet idea, I'm game.

day(s)/time(s) you're available to participate: Mon-Friday, 7-12
time zone: GMT-6
mods you'd like to see in the tournament: Aikido BD, Wushu is fine, jousting?

Suggestions welcome eh?
What if we invited former evil members? Like the ones out of the hall of fame. Those who still play, great! Those who don't? email or some shit. Just a thought, but we could make one hell of a tourney out of past members. We might need a bigger prize though, maybe a handwritten note signed by all the members for the winner to display on the fridge?
<Crooked> I'd say spartan, cause if he's tough enough to digest ungodly amounts of alcohol he clearly has the best body
Mmm, I like this idea too.

day(s)/time(s) you're available to participate: Almost everyday from 8pm-2am
time zone: -8
mods you'd like to see in the tournament: Pretty much anything aikido-ish.

I really like spartan's idea about the handwritten thing signed by all the members as a prize. Since I doubt many of us are all that interested in tc or such things.
You'll have to excuse me, I'm not at my best. I've been gone for a month, I've been drunk since I left.
day(s)/time(s) you're available to participate: Usually from 4pm-9pm everyday except sunday.
time zone: +2
mods you'd like to see in the tournament: Wushupro and Aikidobigdojo.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
days/times: usually the weekend but i don't usually do anything during the week at the moment so thats open as well. as far as times go anytime.
timezone: -7
mods: wushu

the handwritten note idea might take a while to get mailed around lol but still a good idea
You don't say?
day(s)/time(s) you're available to participate: Weekends
time zone: +8
mods you'd like to see in the tournament: wushu, aikido
day(s)/time(s) you're available to participate: All week, generally after classes, I have different classes every day, so pointing out a certain time isn't possible.
time zone: -5
mods you'd like to see in the tournament: Wushu
day(s)/time(s) you're available to participate: everyday (Monday - Thursday: 6:00PM to
10:00pm. Friday - Sunday: 1:00PM to 5:00 AM)

time zone: -5

mods you'd like to see in the tournament: Kickbox.tbm and Aikido.tbm
"The best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt on any style" - Bruce Lee