Original Post
This is too good. You've combined various rhythems giving it that dubstep feel.
I'm not joking when I say that this is insanely brilliant!
pretty cool.
the muting effect was pretty annoying.
its nice in movies during amazing action scenes, especially on the intro section, but thought it was too much for the full song.

loved the dnb section at 3:00, really brought it down.

got a bit annoyed with the repeating vocals.

kept the same tone throughout the song, would have like the changes to be a little more dramatic, the intro and body to be completly different, then bringing the intro back into the song in at some points, to calm it down and start building up again. to keep me entertained and worry less about the CnC.
check out "Feed me- cloudburn" if my explanation was useless.
i find that 5 minutes of alot of the same noise is a bit overbearing, especially with dubstep being so... dub...
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