Original Post
What should I have for breakfast?
Please, tell me some suggestions or I'll die starving...
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
No. I wouldn't like that.
Last edited by Barreta; Sep 20, 2011 at 07:56 AM.
Do it with style or don't even bother doing it.
Toast sandwhich with Sausage and May0. A shot of liquidoom. Followed by a tall glass of Milk. Or a big giant super plate of nada. Maybe just your favorite medicine cabinet smoothie to take away the Paine and Virtue-Ale-y feel full. I'd recommend this on a nice Sonny autumn day with a man playing a Cello in the background as the Leaphs fall to the ground. That would be Stellar. Also, Kristis133, Zinx, Eureka, Drake, Dinis, Danzos, Rayleigh, Umbre, Weddark.
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