Original Post
What you think?
Looks interesting, but all the the illuminati theories are made to look believable.
So what you think?
Last edited by MadReckless; Sep 16, 2011 at 09:26 PM.
Well, I read two paragraphs and I can definitely say that it's retarded, hands down ( sorry if I'm offending anybody etc).

If we go around looking for shit like utopia's, we can find "attempts" of them being made in absolutely everything, from a random online game to a restaurant and the world etc.
Well if you are more interested in serious discussion, you can always try and find some good quotes by philosophers to try and understand them for yourself.
i can't watch the link because i don't have facebook:s
What it talk about?
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Originally Posted by bRuCiA View Post
i can't watch the link because i don't have facebook:s
What it talk about?

The facebook post has been deleted as well as the post on the toribash blog.

Anyway i've never heard plans of turning the forum into a utopia before, not officially at least.
Long gone
Forum utopia?What it mean?Could you explain plz?
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Originally Posted by bRuCiA View Post
Forum utopia?What it mean?Could you explain plz?

It was a blog's post by Redundant explaining the ultimate aim of the administration ie creating an utopia in this forum when they controls every kind of aspect of it (thing that actually is true) etc. through the control of economy, communication between the users and various bans.

The post was deleted from the blog but there's still a part of it here:



It was quite amusing.
Last edited by Pulse; Sep 17, 2011 at 01:21 PM.
Long gone
Oh he was parody-ing people who claim illuminati are bla bla bla, new world order, jizzle jozzle, waka waka, black president.