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[art] My toribash gui
Well its not much of a texture, because its just my menu screen, but I did change it up and made it new. Its kinda sloppy, thats because im beginner, but I did take lots of time to do this. Its inspired by Arbys, heres a picture:

Header- Arby's Font
Toribash Logo- Changed to Arby's Logo
Backgroud- Just changed to Black
Splatter- Changed design & color(Supposed to represent Arby's Sauce not blood)

Its nothing big and special like the Starbucks one I had maybe a year ago, but I liked it. Comment below and tell me if you like it or not(:
I ♥ BenDover
hmm... looks nice, feel like i'm in the 70'. btw arby is a restaurant ?
Seniman Elektronik Indonesia | GATA
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