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[text] Mrama based style sets
Cnc. made in 512x512

Not for sale.

Last edited by Hagan; Aug 28, 2011 at 02:44 PM.
Do you take request?
I really love this set, the hair is freaking awesome, the body's tribals are nice, just one problem, the legs,the white space is too big, 9/10 from me
The fringe on the first one, while very generic, is done brilliantly.

the tribal work is very average in terms of shape and flow and consistancy.
the legs of the first one look empty compared to the arms.
biceps on the second one are straight lines while the rest are curves.

head on the second one is horrible. the interesting part of the hair is hidden by the eyes, which are very average.

torso textures and hands havent been given much thought as to how they map.
the hands only map on the front, then its just empty colour. no mapping the fingers on the sides. random blob on the top of the second one, lazy mapping on the first one etc.

same torso textures on the first one and your personal set, second one is better tho.

Overall: theyr not bad, youre just being lazy with the details, and your tribal work could do with some work.
very similar to mramas work, which was the aim, but mrama inspiration could be taken less literally.

i think you could do so much better by using the natural lines from the first sets hair.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-

These look awesome, dude. They look sharp, and give me that "omg professional work" feeling. 1st one is the best imho. Keep it up.
Wonderful! They are fantastic.
I love the first head. Now try to make the rest of the body as detailed as the heads, or make everything a little more detailed.
Tint is sex.
to be honest the first set had some odd fluid curves in them, and I haven't seen much of those in Mrama's sets.
please, please continue.
If you need more reference, contact me. I have a mrama set I bought ages back at my disposal.
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