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There are some fairly obvious mapping issues, and this is very much a WIP, but I'd like to know how you guys like the texture design-wise.

I'd also like to point out that it's been a solid six months since I even attempted to make a texture, so be as rough as you want but keep in mind I'm just a lil' rusty.

back from the dead
The things on top, the 2 gray tribalish things and the gem looking thing don't fit.
I don't like the eyes so much, nor the mouth area.
Build off of the whole visor area a bit cause that's pretty hot.
The tribally markings are going to become part of a helmet once the whole thing is finished. I should probably have mentioned that in the OP. Also, I definitely will, the visor is going to end up being the thing that ties it all together.
back from the dead
I'm liking where this is going. It reminds me a tad between gundam wings and templar knights. That concept, right there, is divine. (no pun referencing the templars intended)
Take it in that direction and it could really go somewhere. I'm curious to the next WIP but yeah, I like it.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
That head didn't look like it was going to turn out well to me at all...
I bought a subscription to Wibbles so I think this quote is necessary,
"Be careful when gazing into the void, for it gazes back"
Originally Posted by lilmali97 View Post
That head didn't look like it was going to turn out well to me at all...

With some changes, it would.

Too bad.