Original Post
The Immortal Clans Invite you
Hello, The Immortal clans Is Inviteing your Clan. (Check page for details) (Dead Link)

(Fixed and Reported as a dead link by Use-t1337dude)
Chuck Norris is in fact the most deadliest weapon on this planet, But then there's EmpreamKick
Re: The Emortal Clans Invite you
impressive. a link that doesn't work right. you also need to check your spelling.
Re: The Immortal Clans Invite you
I fixed your grammar on that sentence.

But must i warn you watch your spelling or we will meet paths in a dark alley. :P
Re: The Immortal Clans Invite you
woohoo. rot eess el mestar offf oll speelings ererers.

(Fixed by the Great Steak!)

(defixified by Turkey)
Re: The Immortal Clans Invite you
this topic is irrelavent to the dinner clan and will be deleted soon
