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Xbox problem ._.
Ok as most of you know or should know. I'm a mofo beast at Call of Duty on the Xbox 360. But for some odd reason my console over heats after about an hours and I get a half red ring around my power button/pad/what ever. So I want to know if it's dust or something because my power brick isn't hot at all. Solutions?
Also: I like pandas and hot dog water
First of all, make sure your Xbox is getting the correct amount of power. If the amount of power supplied to it is less than it needs, it will overheat trying to compensate for the lack of power. (google for help on that)

Also make sure that your Xbox is in an open area, and not surrounded by heat sources. Putting it on an elevated platform can also help with this.

Finally, it could be an issue with your internal cooling system, in which case you will need it repaired.
Last edited by Thorn; Aug 3, 2011 at 08:50 AM.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
is your xbox in a small area were the back of it cant get alot of cold air? if its in a spot were the back is close to the wall and not alot of space try moveing it to a more open area so it can air out and dont get the little cool down thing for the xbox it makes the xbox really bad i had it once and it actulley makes it worse with overheating. if nothing works resort to an elite, slim i have a slim i can play for a whole day and its still in great condition
Ghetto solution: Put an external fan on it. My old laptop would overheat all the time and putting a fan under it definitely helped. Just something like this

Or you could repair the whole cause of the RROD, which costs $5-10 to do it yourself. Maybe put some extra cash to upgrade the heatsink and internal cooling components.
Keep it elevated and in a cool place. Also make sure it isn't confined.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Yes. It should have rubber spots on one end for positioning it that way. Use that side.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
Yes. It should have rubber spots on one end for positioning it that way. Use that side.

Lol sorry I sat it on the side with my hard drive. Lol thanks alot though, all of you.