Original Post
Bans , infraction , Warning
How many infraction do we need to have to get ban ?
What is infraction ?
Whats the different between warning and infraction ?
What is ban ?

umm..... well just describe about the topic , i just wanna know
Please bring back Organiζations board
Gonna answer to the questions I know.

1 - <- found out this thread on FAQ by Trails.
2 - An infraction is when you don't follow certain forum rules. If you have 'x' number of infractions pilled up, you'll get a ban.
3 - When you receive a warning, you just need to don't make the mistake you've done again. A warning is given when you broke any forum rule and you get advertised for that. Now if you continue doing the same thing that isn't allowed over and over again, you'll receive an infraction. Consider: Warning as your salvation to don't receive an Infraction.
4 - There's many types of Ban. Simple ban with a lift date, Permanent ban and IP ban. (I don't know if there's more)
The simple ban is when your account is banned due several break of rules or certain amount of infractions. During ban, you cannot log at that account to post, etc.
Permanent ban is caused by the same reasons of the simple ban or more serious infringements you've committed but here your account is banned forever with none lift date. Can be lifted by admins but in very very extraordinary special cases.
IP Ban is when you're banned by your IP and you can't even access to forums, In-game and such. You'll receive one of this only if you do pretty bad things.

Edit: Added answer to first question.
Last edited by Hayz; Jul 20, 2011 at 02:53 PM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
You'll receive one of this only if you do very bad things

Or if you do multiple little things with an alternate account after you have been permanent banned.
Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
How many infraction do we need to have to get ban ?

5 points - 1 day ban
10 points - 5 day ban
15 points - 1 month ban
16 points - 2 month ban
17 points - 3 month ban
18 points - 6 month ban
19 points - 1 year ban
20 points - Permanent ban

Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
What is infraction ?

Breaking certain rules will earn you an infraction. Each infraction is worth a differing amount of points. The most common are Ignoring Rules and Useless post, each worth 2 points. The points from infractions will last for 10 days. If you build up enough points you will be banned for a period of time as outlined above. If you do something serious enough you will be given a straight ban. These are worth far more points and the points last longer.

In all cases the record of any infractions/bans/warnings you have gotten will last forever on your account.

Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
Whats the different between warning and infraction ?

A warning is a zero point infraction.

Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
What is ban ?

If you are banned you will not be able to post on the forums or play ingame for the duration of the ban.
Ho ....
so if i post ssomething bad like useless post or offensive post , how can moderator judge its a warning or infraction ?
Please bring back Organiζations board
Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
Ho ....
so if i post ssomething bad like useless post or offensive post , how can moderator judge its a warning or infraction ?

Usually first time offenses get a warning if it's not obviously on purpose. If it is on purpose, we infract usually. If we warned before we tend to infract. Things like that.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
Okay , last question (i don't know i might ask more question) , i heard that 'infraction point' divided into two , yellow and red , whats da different ?
Please bring back Organiζations board
Yellow = Warning
Red = Infraction

(correct me if I'm wrong)
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
infraction is like warning in a way
ban is being permanently or temporarily removed from activity
if nobody else made it clear enough o.o