Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
How is it hanging?
I've seen plenty of dramatic threads around this board and I felt like casually invading to ask how is it going.

u ok guise
Yeah, Math is starting to take care of the clan, so everything will be much better now. :D

Also, hi Alan :3
This (ask someone from the clan, like aoc or dragontg to translate this for you) is really unrespectful, and is changing my mind about requesting an alliance with this clan. Seriously.
I can't see that well, the only name I identified was DragonTG, but who is he talking to?
Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.
Lo siento Tinerr, me arrepiento totalmente de lo que hice, no se en que estaba pensando, pero esque aveces los argentinos somos asi, no todos obvio, pero algunos sueltos de tuerca como yo ... perdon por lo que hice, le pedi disculpas a Rishy, estoy sinceramente arrepentido, nunca hubo ninguna queja sobre mi, esta es la primera vez, y sinceramente me comporte muy mal, no lo volvere a hacer jamas...
Es seņal de caracter una segunda oportunidad, esta en vos amigo... Que la pases piola (bien)
Di si o di no, pero nunca tal vez...
I liked to see that you apologized. I like you, you're a nice member, but you know what will happen if you do something like that again, right?