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flood kick and replays 4.0 suggestions
Me and friend were playing freerunning. After he completed the course there was 700 frames left so we were hitting the space to end the game in order to save replay cause it was epic. But guess what, soon on 400 th frame he got flood kicked. So we lost epic replay and he got back in room and said:"FUCK THIS GAME I AM QUITTING IT FOR GOOD". And he left. And i fully understand him cause i know how does it feel to lose replay you know you will never do same no matter how much u try.
Also sometimes when we play and finish the game it wont let me save even if i didnt press space. It just jumps to another match. (this is only happening since last 3.9 update).
C'mon TB developers don't mess with people replay's

So to resume, please include 2 following fixes in 4.0:
1. remove flood kick because of hitting space repeatedly
2. fix jumping on another match immidiatley even if both players didnt press space

-i suggest adding COPY-PASTE in game chat (with follow link on click support)
-adding sound alarm when is your turn, as option (so i can walk away from computer and come back when alarm sounds. this would be great in tourneys cause waiting is killing me)
Last edited by zaozec; Jul 11, 2011 at 04:58 PM. Reason: :O
yeah i agree with you... when i just decap uke(my awesome decap) restart the game so my replay wasnt save whaa i miss that move T_T
In the Toribash install folder there is another folder called Autosave. From there you can copy any replay to your default replay folder in order to see it.
the question is even can simply save the replay when you want,even while you are still doing it.
So you end your run and after that you got the final pose,you can press "f" and save the replay(even if there are still 700 frames more).Then you can also type /sp and go to watch your replay
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Originally Posted by Zalmoxis View Post
In the Toribash install folder there is another folder called Autosave. From there you can copy any replay to your default replay folder in order to see it.

ohhh now i get it ok thanks i have may autosave replay that i havent seen in a month
Originally Posted by bRuCiA View Post
the question is even can simply save the replay when you want,even while you are still doing it.
So you end your run and after that you got the final pose,you can press "f" and save the replay(even if there are still 700 frames more).Then you can also type /sp and go to watch your replay

that doesnt work. it save all the values as 0
what do you mean?
I ever use it for check how the sparring is going while i'm still doing it and it work
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If you type /sp, it wont work.
If you save it with frames left, it does work in SP. But im not sure for MP.

and hey. i think this must be posted to game suggestions thread. not in rapid threads. rapid threads are just for quick questions.
~knight zero~