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Getting Items way cheaper than market price
Many when trying to buy items/sets way cheaper than theyre market price"n00by" but I beg to differ, I see nothing wrong eith trying to save TC and in cases of trades saving items. To put it candid people will call this trying to "rip" someone off, comments ladies and gentleman...
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I completely agree woth you excePt wouldn't people argue that thats real life and this is in a game so we should keep the two seperated?
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
Marketing here for tc and irl for $ is very similar. A good marketeer irl would overcome the market here.. Anyways - If it's a rip off people wont buy but they'll complain if they eventually do depending on the salesman abilities.


I totally agree...second hand items should cost less than what it is sold for in the toribash shop...exception to the rare items that are sold out in the torishop...other than those items that are sold out they should be lower than they cost...the items that are sold out should be more expensive than the cost of the torishop because they are rare and can only get them from users...(kinda like in real life we pay more for rare goods that we cant find anywhere else)
The dumb one is not the one who bids low and sells high, but the one who sells low and bids high.

It is good for the economy to get tc and items flowing constantly. Marketing wouldn't work if everyone would try to sell and buy for medium-price, because someone has to lose tc in order for there to be a rapider flow of currency and trade-able items.

This is what I think, so "ripping off" is acceptable.