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Fruits vs Vegetables
Which do you like more, fruits or vegetables? Explain why.

I like vegetables more than fruit. Vegetables taste better imo, and fruit is too sweet and makes my teeth feel weird. I love Avocado and tomatoes though which should really be classified as a vegetable :<. Brocolloi is my favorite vegetable. Weird thing is, if I eat too many vegetables, mainly carrots, onions, or tomatoes I get really bad heartburn.

Edit: Also, post which are your favorite fruit/vegetables.
Last edited by isaac; Jun 16, 2011 at 01:56 AM.
SWEETNESS WINS (fruits win) Fruits are amaziing and theres alot of diffrent kinds to choose from besides noone ever ate a veggie salad they eat FRUIT SALADS
Fruits, definitely.

They are just so much better.

Also tomato is classified as vegetable.
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Originally Posted by Juhizz View Post
Fruits, definitely.

They are just so much better.

Also tomato is classified as vegetable.

The tomato is a savory, typically red, edible fruit, as well as the plant (Solanum lycopersicum) which bears it.
Fruit is sweeter than vegetables, and in my opinion, vegetables are a bit too excotic. Fruit has a simpler, straight-on taste, as for vegetables, about three different things.
Fruit is the champion
some vegetables to be eat must be cooked and is not smple as fruit ,fruit can be eaten directly
and friut has many taste and i like watermelons yay watermelons! XD
also known as Darrand
I love both but if I had to pick one or the other fruit would be my choice. Fruit is natures candy, and I love candy. I once went on a watermelon diet to lose weight to qualify for a certain event. I actually enjoyed that diet-unlike those horrible "special shakes" or "weight watchers" stuff.
I prefer fruit. Unlike most vegetables, which require some form of preparation to be delicious, can be eaten straight of the plant if you so desire. But I can't say I don't appreciate vegetables, which can be really good if prepared by someone who knows what they're doing.
ಠ_ರೃ - "Quite so, good sir."