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I think it's ridiculous grades are based on how much work you do.
I find it ridiculous that grades are based on whether or not you do all the work rather than how well you know the subject. It doesn't make any sense at all. Why should someone who is smarter and knows all the stuff already, have to do all this mindless homework that has no purpose? If we were graded simply on how well we knew the subject at hand wouldn't that be a much more accurate grading system?

Back story for those interested:
Quite obviously, I'm a lazy person, so when it comes to school and homework I rarely do it because I don't see a purpose when I already know it well enough to get A's or B's on the tests. Last year I failed a semester of English and Algebra because I completely stopped doing it the 2nd semester I didn't try to fail, I did my best on all the tests and class work I could, but I never seemed to remember to do my homework. I was dismayed a little, but I *probably* wouldn't have to take summer school because of it. So this year comes and I pass with a C or a D on classes that give a lot of homework the first semester. Then the 2nd semester, I shoulda saw this coming, but I failed it. Now I had looked at my grades and previous grades and thought that *maybe* I would pass by getting a high grade on the semester exam, well it didn't happen sadly. So it pissed me off that my grade relies solely on doing mindless work that contributes to nothing. I obviously knew the subject since I was passing tests with B or A and that was the sole thing that kept my grade up to a C until we were hit with a project or a lot of homework.

tl;dr ;_; the school system doesn't let me be lazy even though I can pass without doing homework.
So you did well on tests but didn't do homework.
that means you're smart but lazy in the subject but then again "Quite obviously, I'm a lazy person"
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Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
School has issues. But, grades measure, or attempt to measure, more than just your natural intelligence.

Agreed. School is also testing your willingness to work hard. Don't think higher education is any different either. In fact they say for every hour of class you have a week, you must do 3 hours of studying. Meaning if you take say 15 credit hours that's a total of 60 per week the college expects from you. All that just for a piece of paper that says "give this guy a job" on it. Also homework clarifies to the teacher how well one knows a subject so he knows who needs help before an exam. However ridiculous it may seem, if you're continuing education you'd better get used to it.
Last edited by DrGonz; Jun 14, 2011 at 07:17 PM.
Originally Posted by DrGonz View Post
Agreed. School is also testing your willingness to work hard. Don't think higher education is any different either. In fact they say for every hour of class you have a week, you must do 3 hours of studying. Meaning if you take say 15 credit hours that's a total of 60 per week the college expects from you. All that just for a piece of paper that says "give this guy a job" on it. Also homework clarifies to the teacher how well one knows a subject so he knows who needs help before an exam. However ridiculous it may seem, if you're continuing education you'd better get used to it.

3 hours of studying, or homework? If it's just studying there'll be no need for 3 hours. Tests should see how well one knows the subject. They can make the test worth less and call it a quiz if the teacher needs to see how well one knows it before a test. It should be the student's job to study the material and know it before a test.
just wait till college man. u have 3 test worth 95% of ur grade than maybe 5% for homework. i love it for the reasons u were saying how if i know the stuff all i have to do is show up for test.
Bow To Me
Originally Posted by 6OD View Post
just wait till college man. u have 3 test worth 95% of ur grade than maybe 5% for homework. i love it for the reasons u were saying how if i know the stuff all i have to do is show up for test.

That sounds great, I wish high school were more like this.
yea im finishing up my first year of college and a couple class i didnt even pay attention to and really study for other classes i needed to focus on and got good grades in both.
Bow To Me
I do not like my school system too.
60% are active cooperation.
That means, if you are very good at this subject and not interested in learning things you already know, you could get the same mark as a "stupid", but active schoolboy/girl.
I know, later working hard is important, but shouldnt marks show, how much you know about this subject
trust me guys i had all those same complaints in highschool but u guys are obviously smart enough to get through it
Bow To Me