Original Post
I have a wart on my left pinky.
So, should I be cautious about touching myself left-handed? I know that HPV is the cause for most warts and all, and I don't usually go left handed, but it happens.

And if, by some chance, I get HPV on my dick from this wart, can it spread to my woman?

Too lazy to post this on WebMD or something, because this is bookmarked.
Last edited by jxc1013; Jun 4, 2011 at 09:17 AM.
Short version: Yes.

Long version: Warts are contagious, so yeah, you should be a bit careful with the infected area. Keep it clean and maybe see an apothecary for some anti-wart stuff, if you want to see it gone faster. Warts can stay with you for months or years without treatment. And yes, your mancannon can get contagious too, so don't use your left pinky for happyfuntime. Don't worry too much about it though, it's not like every touch will cause a wart. The virus can't get through intact skin, so you only need to worry about places with damaged skin. You still shouldn't brush your dick with it though.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by CrazyTaco View Post
freeze it off

Originally Posted by gameEater View Post
pop it like it hot

Both are correct but for more detailed info Look Here

-Hope I helped


Originally Posted by jxc1013 View Post
So, should I be cautious about touching myself left-handed? I know that HPV is the cause for most warts and all, and I don't usually go left handed, but it happens.

And if, by some chance, I get HPV on my dick from this wart, can it spread to my woman?

Too lazy to post this on WebMD or something, because this is bookmarked.

We dont wanna know when your touching yourself dude. jk

ive had warts before ive had them use that medicine stuff on them i have them frozen off, but lemme tell yah neither of those work as well as taking a pair of nailclippers and cutting them off make sure you get the roots and wash your hands afterwards good luck!
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