Original Post
MoeThePro\natejas + alts
Hello pie clan people,
I don't get why you are allowing this guy to stay in your clan. He is using 2 accounts within your clan and he is multi-clanning with his other alt in dead and forgotten. He was also banned for 1 month for impersonating hampa ingame, he is also in general a total dick. Also he is multi-clienting in a betting server right now. I can't get proof of that, but my brother is in the betting server with him right now.

So yea, this is just a bit of advice, this guy isn't giving you guys the best rep.
all the best

P.S inb4heposts "go post in your clan board not in TPC!! oh you dont have clan board it's only DSC xD"

And yea about that you've already posted that twice, and frankly its gotten old and annoying as fuck, so if you want to continue to be an annoying little dipshit go ahead and post it again, but just let me remind you if you actually give a shit about this clan you'll learn how to act more normal and not insult others or scam or impersonate others or talk yourself up with alts. Just something to consider.

Also i'd like to apologize to piegod and the other members of tpc (excluding natejas and moe) for the invade, just thought you needed to know some of this stuff.
Last edited by AgentP; May 2, 2011 at 11:54 AM.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Mentioned this 3 times no one listened.
memo is 100% right and he should be kicked, he lied that he has my account.
memo my lad, if i had mod powers i would remove that "/invade"
Originally Posted by kooky View Post
Mentioned this 3 times no one listened.
memo is 100% right and he should be kicked, he lied that he has my account.
memo my lad, if i had mod powers i would remove that "/invade"

Yea well idk why this guy even got into TPC or Dead and forgotten, no idea why they let him in in the first place, but either way i don't think he's fit to be in either of them(which i already explained). Not my place i just thought it needed to be said.

Also i prefer using the proper invading thingie :P
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
Originally Posted by xXcrazyn3ssXx View Post
it's PieGod choise not yours also if you really want it so PieGod my choise is kick me from TPC even no one love me..

Yea well the only thing i understood out of that was the bolded part and yea as you can see in my previous post i already mentioned that.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
it turns out that moe is a total ass , ide be happy 2 if he got kicked from the clan , he was a good friend 2 me but that doesnt mean that ill favor the badthings he was doing
TPC Flames

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Yea hes not doing to well....both of his accounts that are\where involved in this clan are now banned for impersonating staff or hampa......So yea apparently he likes impersonating people, no idea why. Plus like i already said he's multiclanning not sure if you guys know\allow that.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
thnx for the information memo , we needed a warning on moe so ill make it sure this gets 2 piegod , and we will welcom you any time aslong that its not useless lol
TPC Flames

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well then i guess he's screwed.....if the rest isn't enough already that is....also where is PieGod at?

Haha thanks maxfire, and yea i always try to only post useful stuff.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do