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Text based games
As the title says, im pretty much looking for some text-based games, it had really captured my interests, i just know 2 so far, what i can think of anyways, i will link those games at the bottom.

Anyway, one of the game i really enjoyed playing was "Dwarf Fortress" , very high learning curve and i played for a couple of months and still dont know what im doing sometimes, though i really enjoy the text based combat and viarity of things to interact with in the game.

And from the same devoloper i played "Liberal Crime Squad" Wich is really really fun, i have my hours when i just can sit and play this and completely forget about the time.
I share these games with you so you can take your time trying out these games.
For the "graphics is everything" kids... dont even bother.

If you have any text based games you want to share, please feel free.

Download latest liberal crime squad here.

Download latest Dwarf fortress here.

I would recommend download a tileset aswell.

Bay12games website is here.
Last edited by Dagger; Apr 26, 2011 at 05:34 PM.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
I'll save you the effort of some Google searches.

In the graphical concept of Dwarf Fortress, although most are less advanced (and similarly less complicated albeit perhaps not as difficult in some ways), the entire roguelike genre:

NetHack and Angband are the biggest names there, basically. ADOM and Crawl are also worth looking at there.

For actual text games, a Google search for "Interactive Fiction" will get you a long ways. Those are much more of an acquired taste and are a very different style from, well, anything really. They're partly the genre that makes "obscure puzzle" a redundant statement, as the obscurity is implied by the genre itself. Sure, some of them are easy enough. Others, well, there's a reason why almost all pieces of interactive fiction come with walkthroughs.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!