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?Ingame Problem? NOT CONNECTED?wsa socket error?
It's saying that i have a wsa socket error problem, this happens to me sometime. When it does i can't go ingame, irc or any sort of chat... why?
For some reason you are timing out. Check and make sure you are not blocking toribash with a firewall. You can also try reinstalling toribash and see if that helps.
Originally Posted by marcus View Post
For some reason you are timing out. Check and make sure you are not blocking toribash with a firewall. You can also try reinstalling toribash and see if that helps.

The problem does start after timing out, but persists even after the game has been restarted, or changing server.

Ive waited around half an hour and now it works again...this happened yesterday too....same thing.
yeah thanks it works sometimes but keep it open, this is still not working, ill report if it goes on for a day or so..
Same problem here.

I tried different versions of toribash, checked the firewall, but nothing seemed to have changed, pretty weird actually
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WSA error 10060 is a timeout problem. Either your ISP is being a dickend (unlikely) or your PC/router's acting up.

Do a google search for a fix - there's a registry entry you can poke to increase the allowed time that 99% of the time fixes it.

Other than that make sure there's nothing running that's eating your connection.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
WSA error 10060 is a timeout problem. Either your ISP is being a dickend (unlikely) or your PC/router's acting up.

Do a google search for a fix - there's a registry entry you can poke to increase the allowed time that 99% of the time fixes it.

Other than that make sure there's nothing running that's eating your connection.

Nope. its only affecting this game..nothing else. all other web apps worked fine when i tested at the time of probs.
Originally Posted by kai76 View Post
Nope. its only affecting this game..nothing else. all other web apps worked fine when i tested at the time of probs.

That's cos the game has a short timeout period. It's to stop people with shitty pings causing room lockups - You know, like when a turn ends & you have to wait ages before anything happens.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you