Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Video Advertizing
! Hey there Hunters !

I have an Interesting Idea that could boost our clan profit by quite abit if it done correctly .

The Mod Team was complaining about how to improve the mod comunity and get people interested . So I started to think of what the TB website is missing ( It defenently needs a complete over haul ) and video advertizing came to mind .

If anyone has played combat arms or anyother online game , there site has voice and video advertizment ( especialy Combat Arms ) for various anoucments .

We should do the same , but not the voice , just yet lol SO I would like to give this a try ... we would first focus on new mod realeses first , but only the good ones . None of those " my first mod " and crap , F@!k those mods lol

What the advertizment would consist of :

1. Introduction " A Hunters Porduction"

2. Mod Name ( or more than one )

3. Modders Name

3. A pan around of the mod and possibly some game play

4. advertizing as if it was a comercial

5. 30 seconds of footage for each mod

Advertizment price would be 5000- 8000 tc per 30 seconds .

If this is a sucsess , than full texture sets, auctions with prices and events could be next.

This kind of thinking could inspire a whole new look for Toribash .

What do you think guys , could we pull this off ??
Last edited by TRichard21; Apr 22, 2011 at 05:32 PM.
It might work if you get some famous replaymakers to play on those mods ;)
Like oblivion, Jaker, Lexx, Regillion, or NutHug (if your really lucky)
If you can get some good replays of people playing on your mod then I'll be happy to make the video for you =)
Thats a good idea vate ! NutHung or oblivion would be a good choice or mabey some unknown champs lol . there wouldnt be many replays , just few quick pans around the mod and a few short action shots of what the mod or mods are like.

I'll get in touch with them and see if they're interested .
Hey TRichard
You instructed me to put my prototypes in here. And so I did. And just for you I made one with wallrunning .
Attached Files
tpk_highvaultvip.tbm (617 Bytes, 7 views)
tpk_wallrunningwip.tbm (646 Bytes, 7 views)
tpk_jumporgrind.tbm (890 Bytes, 6 views)
Last edited by tiniuclx; Apr 26, 2011 at 06:51 AM.
love the plan guys this is really authentic brilliance!!
Im soo Legendary it almost hurts !!
@ Jets , Vate

Here is one of my unreleased mods for the video . For some reason its stuck in a txt format but just re save it in your TB mod folder as a tbm file .

@ Hunters members

You can download this aswell if you wish to play it
Attached Files
tr_parkour_wearhouse.tbm.txt (3.2 KB, 7 views)
I fixed the jumporgrind mod as you asked me to do, I'm working on the vert. wallrunning right now.

EDIT: Here's the env. for the jump or grind
Attached Files
tpk_jumporgrindfixed.tbm (892 Bytes, 6 views)
tpkE_jumporgrindfixed.tbm (1.2 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by tiniuclx; Apr 30, 2011 at 08:03 AM.
@ Vate

Here are some replays , I have not received any from Jets yet so I took it apon my self to create some lol
As for the mod name that I have posted , i will figure out the names after the video is made and upload them . Your going to have fun with them but I would play with the vid speeds alittle ( and add slowmo parts for arial transitions and tricks ) just so It doesnt look slow .

The song is going to be Rip Slyme - Super Shooter

Deffenently a suitable song for these mods lol Heres the first mod replays
Attached Files
+++.tbm (2.9 KB, 8 views)
woods video.rpl (417.9 KB, 7 views)
WalkIn The Woods.rpl (240.2 KB, 7 views)
Wearhouse .rpl (234.8 KB, 7 views)
Wearhouse 2.rpl (346.9 KB, 7 views)