Original Post
Shit Happens. Again.
This is only slightly related to Tonakai's recent departure.

I've been slightly considering my membership in Freelance for a long time now. These are the main reasons I will be leaving:

- I don't feel any particularly good chemistry between me and the clan, as I did when I first got in. In the end, I mostly kept contact with Chac and Tonakai, and as you know the last one just checked out. This whole thing is complex and hard to explain, but to sum it up I'm just having a hard time gelling in.
- I'm very keen on trying something new. All the while since 2.7 I've been in a clan (one of them was dumb [Ninja], one of them was über [Freelance]). Maybe I'll stroll clanless some time, join someone else, come back later, idk. Only time will show.

Kai-Tiger: I want to thank you in particular for everything you've done for me, you're a great leader and I hope this clan persists throughout the future.
Tonakai, although you're no longer in the clan: Thanks for the bounties! They really financiated my leetness
Pat: I don't really connected that much with you...but you were always nice to me and hopefully we'll still be kinda friends.
RedDevil: Yeah, you got awesome guitar skills dude! I love your Funky Tomo Fujita video on youtube. Hopefully I'll snag the tabs from you someday
Chac: You suck
Cabose: The one who accepted me. That was awesome dude, and it always will be. Have fun hating babies.

This clan will not die, you hear me?!? You guys own, and you'll be able to stand fast forever if you just have the will for it. If you need any help and I'm able to give it, just ask. I hope I can still post in these forums once in a while...

Well...the time has come.

~The C
Originally Posted by CMon View Post
This is only slightly related to Tonakai's recent departure.

I've been slightly considering my membership in Freelance for a long time now. These are the main reasons I will be leaving:

- I don't feel any particularly good chemistry between me and the clan, as I did when I first got in. In the end, I mostly kept contact with Chac and Tonakai, and as you know the last one just checked out. This whole thing is complex and hard to explain, but to sum it up I'm just having a hard time gelling in.
- I'm very keen on trying something new. All the while since 2.7 I've been in a clan (one of them was dumb [Ninja], one of them was über [Freelance]). Maybe I'll stroll clanless some time, join someone else, come back later, idk. Only time will show.

Kai-Tiger: I want to thank you in particular for everything you've done for me, you're a great leader and I hope this clan persists throughout the future.
Tonakai, although you're no longer in the clan: Thanks for the bounties! They really financiated my leetness
Pat: I don't really connected that much with you...but you were always nice to me and hopefully we'll still be kinda friends.
RedDevil: Yeah, you got awesome guitar skills dude! I love your Funky Tomo Fujita video on youtube. Hopefully I'll snag the tabs from you someday
Chac: You suck
Cabose: The one who accepted me. That was awesome dude, and it always will be. Have fun hating babies.

This clan will not die, you hear me?!? You guys own, and you'll be able to stand fast forever if you just have the will for it. If you need any help and I'm able to give it, just ask. I hope I can still post in these forums once in a while...

Well...the time has come.

~The C

The Songs arent really mine :P
THey are from a JAPANESE tab book(some of them).
Goodbye mate!
Good bye CMon!!!!!!!½!

Now freelancer and I are the only scandinavian guys left in freelance!!!!!!! I´ll miss ya!
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Nooooo!!!! It was bad enough to lose Tonakai, now you...... May I refer you to Tonakai's page: (Change out the word Tonakai, with CMon.)

Its like hearing that Tonakai just died and we should go to his funeral.

This is a sad, sad, sad time for Freelance. Tonakai, you and Kai were the best things to ever happen to Freelance, and this comes as a big shock to me. When ever I saw or heard the name Tonakai I thought Freelance, my bud, blood and gore. Over all, the first thing I thought was Freelance. I will never get used to seeing you in Dat, or guru, or anything else. I just wish you would have given us some hint or somthin so we could throw you a going away party.

We will all miss you Tonakai, and we will never forget you. There is only three small things I need to ask of you.

1. Please do not go to an enemy clan so we are forced to hate each other.

2. Please never change, because deep down, you will always be our bud.

3. Does this mean you will never be coming back, or is this a temperary relief?

There is also one thing I would like to say to you. I think I will be speaking for all of freelance when I say this, or at least me Kai, and others.

Tonakai, We love ya (non PnG way), and we hope you have enjoyed your stay in Freelance to the best of our abilitys. We hope you have a great time with what ever you do from here on, and never lose contact with us. Have a great time with what ever you do, and keep us posted.

We will miss you CMon.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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I'm sure we'd allow you guys to throw a goodbye party. With chicks. And booze. And guns. And firetrucks.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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