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[Vid]Remember The Name WIP
Hey guys its fro! back after a few months and i have been thinking since im quiting TB i might as well wrap it up! I WILL STILL BE MAKING VIDEOS!!!!
Anyways This is the wip of the new vid plz reply with comments
suggestions and helpfull ideas! Ty

lol, I was wondering where you went
You can see the little red button thing at the bottom right hand corner of the screen
and I think the flash at 0:13 should be a lot bigger and brighter ;)

but overall it looks kinda dull O_o
Originally Posted by froboy102 View Post
Ty Vate The flash was an accident and was supposed to be part of sync, any ideas to make it more.....oooooh and aaah?

Well if your using Vegas pro then you can split the video track where the beat starts and then use glow or highlight. Then go into the "Video Event FX" and use the timeline to make the glow fade away =)
I knows At the time i was making this video i was in a hurry but i do it a different way ill try it in your way and see the difference