Original Post
Shit happens, like this.
Tonakai says (22:55):

Tonakai says (22:55):
Bad news incoming

Tonakai says (22:55):
*Dun dun dun dun*

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:56):

Tonakai says (22:56):
And stuff.

Tonakai says (22:56):

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:56):
Bad news incoming

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:56):
the suspense is killing me

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:56):
tell me goddamnit

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:56):

Tonakai says (22:56):
Something is devouring mah brainz

Tonakai says (22:57):
I want to leave Freelance.

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:57):

Tonakai says (22:57):
Mostly because I'm curious by nature.

Tonakai says (22:57):
I have been only in Freelance.

Tonakai says (22:57):
I was clanless only two weeks when I started and I got invited by Kai-Tigga and ShadowNexus

Tonakai says (22:57):

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:5:

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:5:
well, we're still friends if you leave

Tonakai says (22:5:
I know it.

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:5:
But if you leave, Freelance will probably disband

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:5:
i have a feeling it will

Tonakai says (22:5:
Me too.

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (22:5:
It always starts with an important member leavin

Tonakai says (22:59):
That's what I'm worrying about.

Tonakai says (22:59):
Shit happens

[Censored, personal stuff and drama, lulz <(^.^)>]

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (23:01):
what clan you joining?

Tonakai says (23:01):
If I would join some clan immediately it would be just a clan hop.

Tonakai says (23:01):
I would get bad rep 'n' stuff.

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (23:01):
Pfft, i don't give about bad rep

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (23:01):
But that's just me

Moäz - Black ¥ Power G-Men Spy says (23:02):
There's always people who really know you and don't think of it as clanhopping

Tonakai says (23:02):
But I still don't want to do it.

Tonakai says (23:02):
I want to ftw

Tonakai says (23:02):
Feel the wind

Tonakai says (23:02):

Tonakai says (23:02):
Of freedom.

Tonakai says (23:06):
And the Bounty Hunting thread

Tonakai says (23:07):
Meh, I'll just continue paying

  1. I'm curious by nature. This means it gives me pain because I'm always in one clan and I can't know what it would be as clanless etc. This is a very important thing for me.
  2. I'm fed up with people who always say Freelance sucks (Note that this is the most least reason I should leave).
  3. I'm watching a war movie (Note that this is more important reason than the reason above).
  4. Inactiveness.

I'm very, very, very ... , very sorry about this.
This clan doesn't has much to fix and to do, so I don't think Freelance will disband, like Chac thought.
This clan is üb3r.
This clan will not fail.
I know it.
The Scream inside me just...
[Type some other unreal stuff here]
Even if I leave, we can still be friends.
I will never forget Freelance.
Even if I'll be brainwashed
I know, I have kinda stupid reason, but... I can't stop it.
I just can't.
Kai-Tiger: Sorry, but I can't be your fapping hand anymore :<
I had fun.
CMon: Don't worry, I still keep paying the Bounty Hunting thing, or if Kai-Tiger or Cabose wants to...
Chac: You suck

  • I will never ever forget you.
  • I will not change Freelance clan's server without a permission.
  • I will not moderate this forum without a permission.

Btw, I don't want to hear "omgf ur resnz wre shiz, dunt leev" comments, I'll ignore them.

Bai Freelance :'<
Last edited by Tonakai; Mar 9, 2008 at 12:21 AM.
I just hope this doesn't make the clan fall apart...

I mean, I don't think it will never know.
No tuna without Kai

No Tiger without Tuna...


... Oh well I loved you.

LOL GUESS WHAT XD I still do :3

Don't care, it's just a tag.

Hope the way you will find. Dark path lure you, maybe. YEEES.
Anyways, uh... guess...this is it eh... Bahsfhg who's next important in the list?
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
Don't stress it.

Just find some good replacements okay? Yeah, I know we're impossible to replace but still :P
I'm cool. Currently so ill I can't give a shit.. If I did I'd fall over and knock my self unconscious for a week
Jalis: Freelancer, you're a duck | Sachi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Reanimator: Freelancer, you're a duck
satiknee: Freelancer, you're a duck | Wiggi: Freelancer, you're a duck | Tarlan: Freelancer, you're a duck
:/....cya Tonakai....(I rly dunno what to say) but ofcourse we´ll still be friendz Gl finding another clan!
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Its like hearing that Tonakai just died and we should go to his funeral.

This is a sad, sad, sad time for Freelance. Tonakai, you and Kai were the best things to ever happen to Freelance, and this comes as a big shock to me. When ever I saw or heard the name Tonakai I thought Freelance, my bud, blood and gore. Over all, the first thing I thought was Freelance. I will never get used to seeing you in Dat, or guru, or anything else. I just wish you would have given us some hint or somthin so we could throw you a going away party.

We will all miss you Tonakai, and we will never forget you. There is only three small things I need to ask of you.

1. Please do not go to an enemy clan so we are forced to hate each other.

2. Please never change, because deep down, you will always be our bud.

3. Does this mean you will never be coming back, or is this a temperary relief?

There is also one thing I would like to say to you. I think I will be speaking for all of freelance when I say this, or at least me Kai, and others.

Tonakai, We love ya (non PnG way), and we hope you have enjoyed your stay in Freelance to the best of our abilitys. We hope you have a great time with what ever you do from here on, and never lose contact with us. Have a great time with what ever you do, and keep us posted.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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That was a sad post Patrick D:

1. I will never ever join an enemy clan.
2. Of course I will never change.
3. I'll never come back.

I don't really know what to say...
I didn't know that you think so much about me D:
But, the truth doesn't burn even In Flames (we trust).
Yes, I really enjoyed my stay in Freelance.
I'm very sorry for the shock :/
And sorry for the sudden, I'm kinda sudden dude...
Like now, this post ends like sudden D:
We truley will miss you, I just wish you could come back. Maybe not for a while, but I hope there is a chance of changing #3 to a Maybe, or not for a while. I hope you will relise that this really is a great clan (even though I think you know that since you and kai are the main two to shape Freelance into what it is today.) and you will want to come back. I respect that you want to try other clans, but I hope there is a little chance of you coming back. Please, by all means, if you don't feel right or miss Freelance, or just don't think any other clan measures up to Freelance, by all means come back.

There are times when I miss Toxic, and wish I was still in it, then I think of Freelance and think, wow this really is my home. I had my share of clan hopping, tried making a clan, and I think I truley found my home. All my Toribash family is here, just wish three more was also.

Its almost like Freelance has the big empty hole in its heart now with out you Tonakai. I hope this came across like I wanted it to towards you, because I want you to know, Losing you is like losing Kai, or losing the bash in tori. Its like having tori with no uke, just not the same.

To sum it up, we will miss you, and there will always, Always be a spot in Freelance for you. Good luck with what ever clan you go to, and hope there is a chance you come back.

By Tonakai

ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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