Original Post
[TEX]Monster Energy Drink Head

All made by me, except the Monster Energy Drink logo.
Size is 512x512.

C&C Please.
UHmm.... u rlly didn;t need 3 monster simbles on it like seriously u only need the front 1 or both side ones .. anyway... looks good.
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Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather
i rly like this style but you should remove monster energy simbles!
im sure it will look better
Life is a Nightmare , Wake me up!!!
[8th Dan]-[Ps3♥]-[WTU♥]-[GerU]-[ETC♥ Teacher]
Okay, I'll remove some symbols and add more things.

Will be posting an update tomorrow or in some hours.
Take away the logo's and add something made by yourself.
Will look way better than this!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.

Followed AlphasoniK's tip and removed the logos, but I can't think of something more to add.

I will appreciate some ideas ;).
Make the "M" shapes using the technique you employed to make the rest of the green lines. I'd suggest that you make them a tad bit thicker. Also could use an extra layer to employ some shading and highlighting to form the shapes better.
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
make the green lines come out a bit more
like thicken it
and the mask is a bit too wide
also add some other related symbols or tribals
cool because i like monster energy
Boredpayne Moderated Message:
User warned, useless post.
Last edited by Boredpayne; Apr 9, 2011 at 09:25 PM.