Original Post
Overall Goals
Could be in your career, academics, life in general, friends, family, sport, whatever.

Mine would be Pursuit of happiness and to others around me.

inb4 to catch them all! And be the very best! That is my real quest!
Learn code and be one of the first attractive videogame designers.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Having a job in a nice small quiet office working tech support or sysadmin stuff, living in an apartment close to work, hanging out with my tight knit group of friends, not much else i'd need ;o


Get into one of the colleges that I have interviews with both on thursday with a 2 hour gap inbetween them(Motherwell and Coatbridge, btw).
Back for good.
current goals:
register to redo my last subject at uni
get out the house into my own apartment.

from then on, it will probably be the same, jsut moremoremore
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
get my grades straight
go to MIT
double major in CS/Mechanical Engineering
Start my own firm
keep it privatized and work in a nice small rural office building
learn c++, OpenGL, JavaScript, php and a few other languages
hang out with a few friends a lot
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
Originally Posted by Jimbobwe View Post
get my grades straight
go to MIT
double major in CS/Mechanical Engineering
Start my own firm
keep it privatized and work in a nice small rural office building
learn c++, OpenGL, JavaScript, php and a few other languages
hang out with a few friends a lot

Those are some hefty goals you've got there.