Original Post
Replays for a new video..gimme!
I want to make another toribash video but I need more replays. Please help out eh? If I get enough I'm probably going to give forum credits (a decent ammount) to the owners of the replays i put in the video. If interested please attatch your replays! Thanks!
Re: Replays for a new video..gimme!
Nice, I'm going to use the last 3. Now I just need more. More more more. I want it to be at least 3-4 minute long video. So think how many I need if i'm just taking the short clips of the actual move.
Re: Replays for a new video..gimme!
I only got one for now, its my signature limp kick that i use in judo
Last edited by ishi; Oct 16, 2008 at 02:57 PM.


Re: Replays for a new video..gimme!
Very nice Ishi, definitely video material. This time when I make the movie it's going to be in some order, maybe have catagories or something. Going to be recorded better, flow to the music, on beat. Flashing here and there, and for documentings sake im going to put my newest replay that i made (2 seconds ago!) in this forum. Any and all worthy replays will go in here.
Attached Files
Krin_CleanNeckKick.rpl (83.4 KB, 22 views)
Re: Replays for a new video..gimme!
nice one, ill get to work one some more replays for you Mr.Krin


Re: Replays for a new video..gimme!
Nobody tell Empream I did this first one.
Attached Files
Double_Kick.rpl (28.6 KB, 22 views)
whee.rpl (54.9 KB, 20 views)
=).rpl (72.1 KB, 19 views)
Breakfast-Kick.rpl (72.2 KB, 17 views)
Re: Replays for a new video..gimme!
2 Kicks and thing :P
Last edited by Esse; Mar 31, 2008 at 05:01 PM.