Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
My xbox died..

Does anyone know how to fix this, I took out the hard drive and it works but all my games are installed onto the drive, and some of my discs are just used to verify I have the game because the disc is scratched. As soon as I put the drive back in it didn't work. A few hours later, I left the xbox to cool down because it was recommended on youtube and Microsoft customer support, and it works fine now but my hard drive is making weird sounds as if it's spinning too fast and my games are constantly locking up. I don't think it's under warranty anymore, I think the warranty expired last month, so if it can't be repaired, well, I guess I'm going to buy myself a PS3.

How do you stop a baby from crawling around?

If you wanna know what to do, you do what fpsrussia did. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWtxs5rl7jk
Lol just kidding, I think that's the red ring of death or something, but I don't know how to fix it myself.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
Its probably something in the harddrive because if it was software it wouldnt make a noise... Have you tried another HDD in it? Because if that works then you know that the HDD is dead....
can't you send those things in to get repaired?
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Depends how old your xbox is, if the lamp on the powerbox on your cable is green when the xbox is turned of then you'll have to ether buy an xbox repairkit or turn your xbox in.

and put back , check if it works after, also try to start the xbox without the hdd
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Dude,my xbox died ahh one year ago and i both other im in xbox live ahh 4 years and dude evry 2 or 3 years u have to change ur xbox this is the bad,but the online is better than ps3 (if u will buy)....