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Are there any openings for toriagent, wibble cop, mod, etc?
I like hosting tourneys, and being helpful to the community (a while back, in another forum, I was a pretty influential mod before I quit.)

So I was thinking gamemaster? Or anything that let's me host tourneys, and moderate stuff

I do not intend to abuse power, nor do I want to be in power just to have.. erm.. power.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
There just was some time ago SMOD , Blogger and now Gamemastet recruitements. They already tooked some and i think you did even apply.
If you are not happy with the result write a pm to Shin-Ryuu
Originally Posted by TheCobra View Post
There just was some time ago SMOD , Blogger and now Gamemastet recruitements. They already tooked some and i think you did even apply.
If you are not happy with the result write a pm to Shin-Ryuu

yeah.. I applied for gamemaster, but I never got a reply, I also pmed carl to be a toriagent, but he didn't reply
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Actually, there's no more Toriagent and Gamekeeper positions. They combined Gamekeeper and Toriagent to form Gamemaster, so yeah, basically, there's no more Toriagents and Gamekeepers.

I'm not sure if local moderator spots are open. But when Smod and GM spots are open, they usually open a thread up in the News section.
yeah ok
Regarding their responses, you will not hear back from them unless you are chosen. Then you will know by seeing your name with a new color.
A certain recluse, I know not who, once said that no bonds attached him to this life, and the only thing he would regret leaving was the sky.
More for rapid threads than anything else.
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
There was alot you just missed it, its gonna take you alot to become one. Its not that wasy 90% lose, and get rejected.