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toribash's rise in popularity
i joined the toribash community over a year ago and the thing i liked about it was the smallness of it all. its kinda like a small village in the countryside where everyone knows everyone else. i remember if the active members at the bottom of the forums was over 200 then there was a lot of people on.

today i checked that figure and saw it was well over 400 so clearly the popularity of toribash is rising as more and more people tell their friends about it. at first thought this seems like a good thing the more the merrier, right? im not so sure i think toribash is losing that "village" feel. i fear that it will become a community where no one knows nor cares about anyone else and just cares about their belt, rank, win ratio and post count.

im not sure wether the toribash moderators can handle the sheer amount of trolls and idiots that will undoubtedly come with popularity. to solve this more moderators would be needed but with more moderators their comes the possibility of more power abusing moderators and they would be more difficult to spot.

specifically in the replay and art section of the forums but possibly in other sections too it would be a lot more difficult for talent to stand out from the rest with the sheer weight of threads being made.

more players may be good for the game itself because it bring in money for the game development but i don't think it will be so good for the community which for many players including myself is the best thing about toribash.

this is just my opinion feel free to disagree with me i would be happy to hear ur opinions on the matter.
[Pure], wanna join?
its not that easy to notice right now but things like this tend to be exponential as there are more people to tell their friends about it
[Pure], wanna join?
I don't think there's been a rise in people over the last year either. If anything, we've lost people because of the rollback and the lack of development for the PC version before tb wii was released. Just look at the google trends graph for 'toribash':

The amount of searches for 'toribash' has been steadily dropping over the last year.
Quit, probably.
nice spike in 2008 there :P
i didn't check that but thats a good point but i believe i have seen a rise in players or at least in the amount of new players and less experienced old players of course i could be wrong
[Pure], wanna join?
I joined in the summer of '08, ive been on and off for months at a time, come back for a few weeks and then leave. Between my times active ive noticed a huge increase in members and also how you mentioned the "closeness" of the community, it seems that everyone is somewhat firmiliar with eachother when they are active of the forums but nowhere near as close as it used to be a few years ago. hopefully this wont get any worse but guess its just what comes with the popularity, things come and go. Just have to adapt to it i guess.
2006-2007 were the years of debut.
2008-2009 had the most people joining the community.
2009-2011 is having an inactivity spike.
The general populace of our members is decreasing at a steady rate.
(The biggest spike downward was when the "robbing" system was added".)
Yeah i agree
Toribash is going down and soon i might leave because of the pc version. Might start on the wii soon....... But i will give TORIBASH some more chances. But all in all it is still good. I wonder why the population is going down fast though.....
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