Original Post
[A] ORC Pack!
Please notice that this is a full ORC Pack and if you unpack it, you pretty much just lost TC by far. This item takes no Qi and is more of a collectors/tradeable item. Also, there is only 3 of this item in existence! That means it is very rare!

Ok, here it is!

ORC Pack

Owned by 3 players.
Total in circulation: 3

Starting Bid: 60,000 Toricredits
Minimum Raise: 2,000 Toricredits
Autobuy: 200,000 Toricredits
End Date: 3 Days After Last Valid Bid


Do not say that this is crazy, only you noobs think that.
Last edited by callisto1; Feb 25, 2011 at 10:35 AM.
are you joking?
even void toripack doesn't costs this much

BirdFlu Moderated Message:
USer infracted - useless post
Last edited by BirdFlu; Feb 25, 2011 at 10:52 AM.
pfft. oh sorry, i'll give u like 2k for it. cause no ones gonna pay that much for it or they're out of they're mind. its just orc. and if u unpackit, u screwed ur self, what do u do with it? find some other sucker to buy it from u for the same amount.
|Ex-VorteX Moderator|Gravitation|<3 Wushu |
Long live VorteX in memory
Shut up with this 2k crap! If you are not willing to pay what it says, do not even fricking post! I and so mad at people not have common since right now!

Also, WillyBash, Void Pack costs 1.3 million TC.
dude youre crazy!
orc for 60k?

BirdFlu Moderated Message:
User infracted - useless post
Last edited by BirdFlu; Feb 25, 2011 at 10:50 AM.
I have had enough of people saying that. From now on I will report for useless post.

ORC for 60k because it is in a pack and only 3 exist, I am tired of repeating myself.