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Hide Bodypart Damage
Hey Guys,

i want to take a Screenshot of a Replay Moment, but without that Bodypart Damage, you know, when Body Parts fade red when they are hit.
is there a way to hide that?
Use the command /opt hud 0

It should hide everything on the hud, and when you want it to be shown again, use /opt hud 1
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Originally Posted by RayA75 View Post
Use the command /opt hud 0

It should hide everything on the hud, and when you want it to be shown again, use /opt hud 1

He is talking about the blood.

Try /opt blood 0
It's. . . been too long.
Originally Posted by RayA75 View Post
Use the command /opt hud 0

It should hide everything on the hud, and when you want it to be shown again, use /opt hud 1

That is not what he is asking... Ive asked the same question and aperently there is no way for it to be done.

Oh yeah, sorry. I dont think bruising can be hidden. Lemme check it ingame though

Well it can. Use /opt bruise 0
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Originally Posted by RayA75 View Post
Oh yeah, sorry. I dont think bruising can be hidden. Lemme check it ingame though

Well it can. Use /opt bruise 0

Finally some one ansered my question! Omg! You are awesome.

Wow, you Guys are great. Didn't even know there is a word like "Bruising" to describe what i described.
Thank you, now i can take my screenshot. ;)
Another Way would be, to render a screenshot in POVray, but i want mine with ingame graphics.