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need help im new
ok first i want to know about tenements how do u find them when do they hapen and how can i join nex i would like to know how to make tc fast i dont know how and would like to buy some flames if there is a thread on this plz post link
thank you and peace out
Tourneys are announced ingame by [global]. Announces can be seen in chat. you just type in /jo and than name of the server that is announced.
Fast tcs - you can buy booster with real money.
flames buying - look in Market forum all sales and purchases are made there.
You don't have to buy a booster...

1. You first of all will have no chance in a tourney try fight untill you get blue belt get used to your tori (character)

2. There are 2 types of tourneys, the first is the 500tc prize that resets its self everytime it ends,
then theres the BIG PRIZE tourneys for like 9k tc, these will be in gray writing in the chat, it will tell you the mod, the prize and how to join .eg. Soul's Wushu tourney 1st 9k 2nd 5k 3rd 1k do /jo soultourney to join : )

3. /jo is a command if you know the name of a room just do /jo <nameofroom> to go to it.

4. Good Luck
Tournaments come in two different forms. There are the 500TC Tournaments that are active 24 hours of the day. There are about nine of these servers. Type /jo tourney(1-9). The other tournament is a player-hosted tourney. There is usually a global announcement telling you the server that it will be held in. Just type /jo (server name).

There are a few ways of making fast TC. One way is by winning tournaments. Another way is by selling items at the market. Found here: Forum.toribash.com/forumdisplay.php?f=64 You can also compete in some events. Found here: Forum.toribash.com/forumsisplay.php?f=37

If you are looking for flames, there are two main ways to get a flame. First, you can purchase a flame from the particle flame market in the Items market. Second, you can forge a flame. Press ctrl+L in freeplay and mess with the settings unroll you get a flame that you want. I hope the info was helpful.
Last edited by Notar; Feb 15, 2011 at 06:05 PM.

You can make tcs by making and selling textures, just look around the art and the market/texture sections and also check the tutorials section for help with making them. Just keep playing and dont be upset that you are not as good as other players. You will get better by time. ;)
hmmm here
fast tc=you can buy tc with paypall or buy booster with paypall too..(real money)
buy flames=just got to market-items-particle flames(in the top)
nex tournament=just wait.....
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