Original Post
[OLD] Holy Ordos of the Inquisition
The following is an outline of the separate organizations in the Inquisition. Any who find themselves intrigued shoud read the "Inquisition Calls" topic for more backround information or to join these ranks.

Ordo Xenos

The Ordo Xenos is the branch of the Emperor's Holy Inquisition that is entirely devoted to hunting down and destroying alien life. Though Inquisitors are held in awe and terror across the Imperium, it is the alien and thos who dare to arbor it that need fear the focused wrath of the alien hunter. Equipped with the best wargear the Imperium can supply, possessed of extensive knowledge of their foe adn blessed with a fiery hatred, the Ordo Xenos is the first and greatest of Mankind's defences against the alien. When the xenos taint is subtle, the Ordo's Inquisitors will cut it out with scalpel-sharp vigilance and determination. When the alien comes on in a great horde, the Deathwatch, elite warriors taken from among the Chapters of Space Marines, will meet it head to head an purge it with fire and steel.

"Suffer not the alien to live!"

Inquisitors: TheWolf, Silvalyfe

Ordo Malleus

Meaning the Order of the Hammer in the High Gothic tongue, the Ordo Malleus is the division of the Emperor's Holy Inquisition concerned with destroying the physical manifestation of the Cursed Realm itself: the Demon. Its members have pledged their every waking hour to the discovery and destruction of the demonic wherever it is to be found. It is their role to hunt out and purge those who consort with the demon and the hideous things they conjure before thir blasphemous actions give rise to full-scale demonic invasions.

Such is the authority of an Inquisitor and the magnitude of the threat posed by the Demonic, that no sacrifice is too great to combat this menace, and no force too strong to bring to bear against the horrific sevants of the Curse. Even in victory those who have fought alongside a Demonhunter may well be subsequently exterminated to prevent the taint of the Curse spreading further: Space Marines, too valuable to simply execute, are usually mind-scrubbed to eradicate the taint of Chaos, which can corrupt even the most faithful.

But there are times when the demon bursts from the ether in such numbers that the Inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus need to call upon their own Chamber Militant- warriors even more powerful and devout than the Space Marines- to triumph. Times when ravening monstrosities pour into the material dimension in a gibbering tiede, hungry for the souls of the innocent. Only one force in the galaxy has any chance of stemming such a demonic infestation- the Grey Knights.

"Vanquish the Unclean!"

Inquisitors: CrazyNinja, lightningkid, telecaster

Ordo Hereticus

At the end of the Age of Apostasy, the Inquisition formed a secret order within its ranks to watch the Ecclesiarchy more closely. While the Inquisition as a whole monitors every aspect of the Imperium, the Ordo Hereticus is primarily concerned that another Plague of Unbelief does not occur. Though the Ecclesiarchy regulates itself and its followers closely (primarily with the Adepta Sororitas), the Ordo Hereticus provides another line of defenceto ensure that those in power within the Ecclesiarchy do not abuse their position to such an extentthat it threatens the stability of the Imperium again. These Inquisitors watch Wars of Faith closely to ensure the objectives laid down by the Ecclesiarch are both justified and not exceeded by those actually fighting. They monitor the Frateris Militia to safeguard the spirit of the Decree Passive (if not its letter) and to ensure its prohibitions stay enforced. They also regulate the amount of wealth and territory claimed by individuals within the Ecclesiarchy and halt attempts by Cardinals trying to amass more power than the Ordo Hereticus deems appropriate.

"Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch!"

Inquisitors: Lord_Inquisitor, zhao91
Last edited by Cevius; Jan 30, 2008 at 03:19 AM.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
Re: Holy Ordos of the Inquisition
Can you change the part on the Ordo Malleus to include our war chant? Thanks.
I don't actually play. Very often. If you want me, schedule a time. Don't count on luck.
Re: Holy Ordos of the Inquisition
Originally Posted by CrazyNinja
Can you change the part on the Ordo Malleus to include our war chant? Thanks.

I don't recall 40K Space Marines ever having a "war chant".
<Hector|Bday> for 3k tc
<Hector|Bday> I sold a photo of shit
Re: Holy Ordos of the Inquisition
But the story is 40K. I have not played it for a long time, but it's 40K.
"We have a saying up here, life is wasted on the living."
Re: Holy Ordos of the Inquisition
Originally Posted by DeadorK
Originally Posted by CrazyNinja
Can you change the part on the Ordo Malleus to include our war chant? Thanks.

I don't recall 40K Space Marines ever having a "war chant".

yes, but I have a war chant.
I don't actually play. Very often. If you want me, schedule a time. Don't count on luck.
Re: Holy Ordos of the Inquisition
No i will not include your foolish war chant. Its not cool. Will add sign off stuff. Take it as you will.
Yes the story is 40k. Your point? its good stuff.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
Re: Holy Ordos of the Inquisition
Oh, come on. ADD MY WAR CHANT!
I don't actually play. Very often. If you want me, schedule a time. Don't count on luck.