Original Post
Just trying to be sure I'm not the only person here who plays it.
This is ROBLOX, A free online building, social and simulating game!
You don't need an account to play, you just need to download it!
But with an account, you can make your own level, Customize your avatar and More that awaits you!
ROBLOX is NOT affiliated with K'Nex, The LEGO Group, or MEGA Brands.
Remember that it's Rules are STRICTLY obeyed and all rule breakers are first given a warning then another waring next is a 1 day ban then 2 days until a permanent ban.
If you see any of these offensive items, Press the Report Abuse Button, then enter how it breaks the Rules, Especially Ingame.
If any further questions about nearly anything, Contact an admin named Builderman, the CEO of ROBLOX

Anyways, if you play it, here's my username: SILVERTHEHEDGEHOGXXX
Attached Images
ROBLOXpwned.jpg (32.3 KB, 29 views)
roblox ad1.jpg (18.8 KB, 25 views)
Speaking of looking similiar to things, Roblox apparently looks like Minecraft, whereas Minecraft allegedly looks like Lego.
E: as in, Roblox = Minecraft = Lego
Roblox = Lego

I mean come on.

Not to nitpick or anything, but this thread's about as good as the last Roblox thread I saw...closed.
Last edited by ThuyDez; Jan 9, 2011 at 01:31 PM.
I don't feel a thing, and I stopped remembering
the days are just like moments turned to hours
Its ruined by a bad community and lazy administrators, I play it just for the building studio and physics, another game very close to it is Blockland, people say its a lot better, but Roblox is just more popular.
yeah i play this
you forgot to say that dating, cursing, and some other stuff equals a BaN.
@graboy thanks for putting block land in your post, its cool
Last edited by ltsonic; Jan 9, 2011 at 10:42 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
selling head textures for 50 tc finishes fast.i currently need 1500 tc for head avatar[not texture, avatar].
Originally Posted by graboy View Post
Its ruined by a bad community and lazy administrators, I play it just for the building studio and physics, another game very close to it is Blockland, people say its a lot better, but Roblox is just more popular.

Very true, I play it occasionally, but the younger kids generally piss me off...
With their lack of computer skills and downright stupidity at times.

Roblox is less popular, however a very good game. I've only tried the demo, but it's still cool.
Don't read this.
Originally Posted by hellopppp View Post
Roblox is less popular, however a very good game. I've only tried the demo, but it's still cool.

Don't you mean Blockland?
Originally Posted by graboy View Post
Its ruined by a bad community and lazy administrators

they're more online through E-mail, "report abuse" messages, Programming updates and they're busy hiring people
Last edited by XrobberX; Jan 10, 2011 at 12:16 PM.