Original Post
[Solved]Lost Items/tc
I was safetrading with Arbalest, and we both lost our Items, I lost 12k tc and he lost Limb textures. Any chance we could get the transaction reversed? Oh, and the Safetrade isn't in my history?
Originally Posted by watersurf View Post
Well,you should never use safetrade its stupid use transfer items its easier and to get your items back contact

ps:frosy contact the market squad to get your tc back

Ignore all support posts by this user, pretty much ever.

Safetrade is an effective way to avoid scammings and safely exchange items.

Unless losing your items is a product of the forum rollback (all transfers and items received in the last four months) do not email

This hack happened few weeks ago ago, so if you experienced this problem just now do not send an email.

If I remember correctly this has happened on occasion with safetrade. I believe torishop admins are capable of handling it.
Buy TC for a great price here!
Buy VIP and Toriprime for a great price here!

Hey look more than two lines.
Fixed. Trade was apparently not completed by Arbalest.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!