Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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People who play Toribash are similar.
Hey everyone.

This is a slightly random toipic and it might just be from my point of view. When I started playing toribash, I had only just found the game by chance. But when I play the game today, I can see very interesting connections between the people who actually stay around and play Toribash, and then there are about 20X as many people who give it a try and only make it green belt then say "well this is to hard".

Toribash is a very specific game and it's really onlt apealling to a certain class or group of people (opinion).

So here is what I want you to fill in below.

1. Do you agree/disagree and why.

2. how small do you think the group of toribash players is?

When I meet people online for the first time i can see many differences in things like the way that that person will type. Or there attitude. I meet some of my Toribash friends on skype sometimes ( dynastyboy1 is my skype ) and when you meet the people that play Toribash in real life, I usually see that we arnt so different. whether your Hampa or a random troll. If you play toribash and your good at it, AND you find it fun? thats something. Face it. If you show toribash to somebody in real life they give up and say its retarded. some people again will like it.

The specifications for somebody who likes to play toribash regularly and is good at it are very specific. I dont know whether this is the reason that not many people play toribash. or maybe its the fact its very unpopluar and no-one ever thinks out of random "hmmm I think i will randomly google Toribash".

anyway, I could go on but I'm more interested in what you have to say below. ^^
Didney worl mak mah brain go splody
None of my friends enjoy toribash and I find it interesting that such a small percentage. With me being the only person I know that plays the game I have only one thing to say about the type of person that plays and enjoys toribash.
That thing being: people that play toribash are weird.
Hmm... We may share similar traits, but the rest is probably by chance. Look at me, and look at Slybash or Devil. I'm I nice guy, and they're assholes.
we're all maladjusted misfits. the thing is, the asshole 12yr olds behave just as badly in this game as they do in any game, even as they do in more "normal" games.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [pee@NUP-6C9C98D4.elisa-laajakaista.fi] [Quit:]
I agree to this fully. I once showed my friend this game. He just clicked a few joints, and gave up entirely. I would have to agree to this especially since not that many people know this game. And to those who have stood in the forums, they well.....were once noobs as much of ourselves. So not many people would stay playing this game really(I have been around since June of '09, and I still play because Tori is a fun game).

Also, there has to be a lot of noob players, but a substantial amount of legendary players. Really, there isn't much great players out there.
I agree. I am trying to get everyone I know into toribash. My cousin Doesn't own a cpu atm so it is kinda challenging but he seems to enjoy it. hence we are very similar.
Originally Posted by TheSamurai0926 View Post
I agree to this fully. I once showed my friend this game. He just clicked a few joints, and gave up entirely. I would have to agree to this especially since not that many people know this game. And to those who have stood in the forums, they well.....were once noobs as much of ourselves. So not many people would stay playing this game really(I have been around since June of '09, and I still play because Tori is a fun game).

Also, there has to be a lot of noob players, but a substantial amount of legendary players. Really, there isn't much great players out there.

^basicly this,I showed my friend tb,and hes like "OMFG!I wanna play!" And then when he trys hes like"this is to hard"And he only moved like 1 joint,once you actually play the game for about 1-4 weeks it gets alot better.
Only me and another friend of mine play this at school. And Ive showed it to some of my friends and they played for like 3 minutes and were like "Man wtf this is gay". Most of the people i see here on toribash are rather intelligent. I think its because people like us seek out challenges rather than running away from them and try to conquer when others give up and fail
Im a squirrel and I'm so awesome that my friend bought me Toriprime.
i agree and disagree........
agree cuz my friend showed me dat game and then he quited (lol) i tried to convice him to play with me but he did't want to.......
disagree cuz since i played first time online i've saw differnt ppl most of them were fuckin noobs who really enjoyed to piss me off and i thought "who let them play dat game they should get banned or something" so it's my opinion...........