Original Post
Quick notice
Hey guys, as you guys know 42 has been going in and out of activity lately because unfortunately my sister left for college with her laptop last thanks giving and i'm not able to be as active as i was last week. The good news is we have members coming back like mobi and charred and do not need a new forum moderator. As soon as my moms gets my freaken pc fixed i can be more active more lately but i really think you guys should take it into your hands to invite people to 42. Also about the tourney we are going to have it eventually, ive been too buisy and dnt have much internet access as to organize it right now so im gonna leave the organizing of that up to parker and Mars. Anyways Christmas is very soon, so get ready and happy holidays!!
Rogue clown
Can you send what you've got to me and mars? Or at least some particulars that you were looking for, like certain mods that you wanted to use etc.
My shop
Originally Posted by Parker1287 View Post
Can you send what you've got to me and mars? Or at least some particulars that you were looking for, like certain mods that you wanted to use etc.

Aye if me and parker need to handle it, send us what you got about it.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
-Mohandas Gandhi