Original Post
[Auction] Two 512x512 Head Textures.
So I'm selling these textures that i acquired through a request long ago... sorry but i do not know who to contribute these. Haven't been on this forum for awhile and don't know pricing anymore so I'll just set them up and see how it goes. Both are 512x512 Textures.

Highest Bidder: Fee @ 10k (On Both)

Starting bid: 1k
Minimum Raise: 1k
If there needs to be an autobuy let me know otherwise...
Last valid bid wins after 48 hours.

Starting bid: 1k
Minimum Raise: 1k
Last valid bid wins after 48 hours.
Last edited by Myro; Dec 16, 2010 at 12:17 AM.
They are.
2k for both.
<Marco> and then Oblivion tried to sexually assault me
<Oblivion> and Marco wasn't surprised at all
Alright, so Fee leads at 10k on both textures.
I think i'll leave auto-buy out on this one and just see where it goes. Happy Bidding!
24 hours to go for bidding.

User Infracted: Illegal Bump ~ Onamist
Last edited by FazZa; Dec 17, 2010 at 03:56 AM.