Original Post
The Toribot *que ominous music*

I have a question about the Toribot *ominous music*, how does it get forum posts?

is it because of PM's? Can normal users get their post count up from PM's or is
there something more ominous going on with the Toribot *omin..... nevermind*.

They had a section when toribot searched the web for anything what had a the word "Toribash" in it and i posted the artical but got removed because all the artical no-one read anyway
I dont know but I have seen it post twice before so I assume that it can be used by administrators. It might by used in the admin board for god knows what.
They Removed it because it was all in random Langs and No-one botherd to read it and i guess it took up server space
Yeah, toribot gets its posts from toribash spider and announcements etc. And no, PMs don't count as posts.
Quit, probably.