Original Post
Fun with Stair mod
I got pretty bored at work so here's a couple replays I did with the stair mod. The first I just use the stairs to get a LOT of momentum into a throw. The second I just do a triple kick then do a bit of gymnastics on the stairs.
Attached Files
stairthrow2.rpl (83.0 KB, 50 views)
stair-fun.rpl (122.4 KB, 46 views)
01110111011010000110100101101100011001010010100000 10101000101000011110000010101100101011001010010011 11010010101000101000011110010010101100101011001010 010010100100111011
Thanks, I've been busy with work and school but I find time for toribash every once in a while. I don't recognize anybody and so much has changed so I pretty much just do single player.
01110111011010000110100101101100011001010010100000 10101000101000011110000010101100101011001010010011 11010010101000101000011110010010101100101011001010 010010100100111011