Original Post
[APP]Angels of Death
1.Structure. Leaders and captains at our clan can be ONLY russians, but that not means that members must be one of they. At this time we got two leaders: Vladcasl, MrSuperKarate and one captain — rina. Russians dominate at our clan above other nations, thats not gonna be for a long time. That's will be changed when we begin official.

2.Organisation. We got russian forum community, but that's not good anyway, reason why not everyone know russian language. When we begin to be official then we can control our members at both forums much easyer.

3.Activity. May be we not so active at forum, but we belong to game and that's enough to be official. Most of us got black belt or better status. We got large single player experience and wish to be one of the best toribash clan.

4.Control. Main rule of the clan is respect. Respect it's everything. If someone not showing respect to other clan members that he can kick out the clan or be slow at status. If ex-member want to come back, then he can do it only at leaders approve.
I sent 50000 tc to Veb ;_;
Last edited by meatdad; Jan 11, 2008 at 12:34 PM.
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny
your leaders are suspended, your clan might as well die. and dont double post. your dreams have officially been crushed. kthxbai.
lol anes u just walked in here and crushed their dreams
to revive ur dreams get a new leader
[23:19] <HebrewHamr> i'm catholic