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+i cant seem to make good wushu moves
for some reason i just suck at making moves i tryed wiki for moves but i cant do them so i need short but affective moves to do online can any one help
A really basic move I made up, usually kills rushers, and if they're out of range, hold all and wait for them to come to you:

Right rotate chest
Contract right hip
Extend left hip

while relaxed try to make your charecter fly at them in a kicking position. make sure your tori does not do a complete flip. it can be hard to land. and always have your arms ready to sopport yourself if almost on the ground.
experment with all the joints. if all else fails become a relax fighter. only fight with relax. ive been getting better at wushu and classic with that, and in wushu a relax fighter can pull off auto combos[ill explain if you dont know about those] and easy decaps.